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Copy Parcel Line Dimensions

This dialog can copy dimensions (Bearing and Distance) from one parcel line to another.
You can select the lines by the Right Mouse Click menu.
The line end points must be the same (or reversed)

Src Line
Right click on the line and select it from the context menu
The parcel name and line point numbers will be displayed.
The Bearing and Distance are displayed on the next line.

Dest Line
Right click on the line and select it from the context menu
The parcel name and line point numbers will be displayed.
The Bearing and Distance are displayed on the next line.

Copy Dims
This will copy the Source Line Bearing and Distance to the Dest Line

If ticked, the program will automatically move to the next Src Line and Dest Line,
if they do not 'match' (use same point numbers) it will try the Previous Dest line.
If there is not match all fields are cleared.
If there is a match - you can then press 'Copy Dims' to copy the Bearing and Distance for those lines.